
Today it was announced that Elon Musk is buying Twitter.


There was a time in my life not too long ago when I wanted a large follower count and lots of engagement on my posts. Time has passed but the urge to tweet thru it has not. I have been sharing my life online for almost two decades, why would I stop now. I was reminded by Facebook today of a quality post I made in 2008 that just says, “is epic”. That is quality stuff, but I also got a kick out of seeing that. I don’t think I could stop sharing online if I wanted but I have also learned that it is more than anything a public journal and primarily for my own enjoyment. It’s nice if others see it, it’s nice when my tweets get a like, or a post spawns a fun conversation. Although, most of the time I just want to talk about the anime I am watching or game I am playing or bad music I am making in a 400 or so character posts.

There are a million platforms to do this and many more will come and go but since I know enough to be dangerous when it comes to web technologies, so I figured why not roll my own. I control all the files, know where everything is being hosted and understand how this all works. This is using a domain I bought for fun a year ago and being hosted on github pages which is provided for free. The blog itself is running jekyll which I think I’ve heard about in passing over the years but also comes up if you google some variations of “static site CMS open source”

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, I am not leaving Twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or Discord, or Linkedin, or any other socials for now but I may attempt to move my shitposting to a place I have a bit more control over :)

Thx for stopping by!
